



电子邮箱: zongwang.ma@nwnu.edu.cn



1. 2020 - 西北师范大学 生命科学学院 硕士研究生导师

2. 2018 - 西北师范大学 生命科学学院 副教授

3. 2017 - 2018 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 助理研究员

4. 2012 - 2016 根特大学 (Ghent University) 生物科学与工程学院 应用生物科学 (Applied Biological Sciences) 博士

5. 2009 - 2012 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 微生物学 硕士

6. 2005 - 2009 西北农林科技大学 生命科学学院 生物工程 学士


1. 微生物次级代谢产物的挖掘、生物活性评价及微生物制剂创制

2. 微生物源生物表面活性剂的“智造”及应用

硕士招生专业: 微生物学


       已发表部分论文PubMed链接https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Zongwang+Ma; 论文引用数据截止至20242

1. Zongwang Ma, Nan Wang, Jiangchun Hu*, Shujin Wang. Isolation and characterization of a new iturinic lipopeptide, mojavensin A produced by a marine-derived bacterium Bacillus Mojavensis B0621A. Journal of Antibiotics. 2012, 65(6): 317-322. (77 citations)

2. Zongwang Ma, Jiangchun Hu*, Xuemei Wang, Shujin Wang. NMR spectroscopic and MS/MS spectrometric characterization of a new lipopeptide antibiotic bacillopeptin B1 produced by a marine sediment-derived Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SH-B74. Journal of Antibiotics. 2014, 67(2): 175-178. (20 citations)

3. Zongwang Ma, Jiangchun Hu*. Production and characterization of iturinic lipopeptides as antifungal agents and biosurfactants produced by a marine Pinctada Martensii-derived Bacillus Mojavensis B0621A. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2014, 173(3): 705-715. (21 citations)

4. Zongwang Ma, Jiangchun Hu*. Production and characterization of surfactin-type lipopeptides as bioemulsifiers produced by a Pinctada Martensii-derived Bacillus Mojavensis B0621A. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2015, 177(7): 1520-1529. (13 citations)

5. Zongwang Ma, Niels Geudens, Nam Phuong Kieu, Davy Sinnaeve, Marc Ongena, José C. Martins, Monica Höfte*. Biosynthesis, chemical analysis and structure-activity relationship of orfamide lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas protegens and related species. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7: 382. (56 citations)

6. Zongwang Ma, Gia Khuong Hoang Hua, Marc Ongena, Monica Höfte*. Role of phenazines and cyclic lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas sp. CMR12a in induced systemic resistance on rice and bean. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2016, 8(5): 896-904 (ZM and GKHH are co-first authors). (52 citations)

7. Zongwang Ma, Marc Ongena, Monica Höfte*. The cyclic lipopeptide orfamide induces systemic resistance in rice to Cochliobolus Miyabeanus but not to Magnaporthe Oryzae. Plant Cell Reports. 2017, 36(11): 1731-1746. (26 citations)

8. Zongwang Ma, Jiangchun Hu*. Plipastatin A1 produced by a marine sediment-derived Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SH-B74 contributes to the control of gray mold disease on tomato. 3 Biotech. 2018, 8(2): 125. (19 citations)

9. Zongwang Ma*, Jiangchun Hu*. Complete genome sequence of a marine-sediment-derived bacterial strain Bacillus velezensis SH-B74, a cyclic lipopeptides producer and a biopesticide. 3 Biotech. 2019, 9(4): 162. (8 citations)

10. Zongwang Ma*, Songya Zhang, Kun Sun, Jiangchun Hu*. Identification and characterization of a cyclic lipopeptide iturin A from a marine-derived Bacillus velezensis 11-5 as a fungicidal agent to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 2020, 127(1): 15-24. (18 citations)

11. Zongwang Ma*, Songya Zhang, Junyu Liang, Kun Sun, Jiangchun Hu*. Isolation and characterization of a new cyclic lipopeptide orfamide H from Pseudomonas protegens CHA0. Journal of Antibiotics. 2020, 73(3): 179-183. (4 citations)

12. Zongwang Ma*, Songya Zhang, Shihu Zhang, Guoyang Wu, Yue Shao, Quanfeng Mi, Junyu Liang, Kun Sun, Jiangchun Hu*. Isolation and characterization of a new cyclic lipopeptide surfactin from a marine-derived Bacillus velezensis SH-B74. Journal of Antibiotics. 2020, 73(12): 863-867. (10 citations)

13. Zongwang Ma*. Analysis of the complete genome sequence of a rhizosphere-derived Pseudomonas sp. HN3-2 leads to the characterization of a cyclic lipopeptide-type antibiotic bananamide C. 3 Biotech. 2022, 12(1): 35. (4 citations)

14. Zongwang Ma*. Genome mining and chemical characterization of a new cyclic lipopeptide associated with MDN-0066 from Pseudomonas moraviensis HN2 cultured in a valine-rich medium. Journal of Antibiotics. 2023, 76(4): 244-248. (2 citations)

15. Zongwang Ma*, Pingcheng Zuo, Jun Sheng, Qian Liu, Xiao Qin, Congyu Ke. Characterization and production of a biosurfactant viscosin from Pseudomonas sp. HN11 and its application on enhanced oil recovery during oily sludge cleaning. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2023, 195(12): 7668-7684. (1 citation)

16. Zongwang Ma*, Jun Sheng. Pseudophomins A-D produced from Pseudomonas sp. HN8-3 using an OSMAC approach and their roles on biocontrol of Phytophthora capsici in cucumbers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023, 71(16): 6268-6276. (3 citations)(中科院1top)

17. Jun Sheng, Xiao Qin, Xiao Yang, Qian Liu, Zongwang Ma*. The biocontrol roles of cyclic lipopeptide putisolvin produced from Pseudomonas capeferrum HN2-3 on the Phytophthora blight disease in cucumbers. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-024-00874-5. (JS and XQ are co-first authors)

18. Zongwang Ma*, Xiao Yang, Jun Sheng. WLIP, WLIPβ and WLIPγ produced from Pseudomonas canadensis Q3-1 via precursor-directed biosynthesis and their roles on biocontrol of Phytophthora blight in peppers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.3c07360. (中科院1top)


1. 国家自然科学基金, 2021 - 2024, 主持

2. 甘肃省自然科学基金, 2020 - 2022, 主持

3. 西北师范大学青年教师能力提升计划项目, 2019 - 2021, 主持

4. 西北师范大学引进博士科研启动专项项目, 2018 - 2019, 主持




1. 国家留学基金委员会国家建设高水平公派研究生项目, 2012-2016

2. 海洋细菌Bacillus mojavensis产生脂肽类活性化合物的研究, 辽宁省优秀硕士学位论文, 2012

3. 西北师范大学生命科学学院第七届青年教师教学大赛三等奖, 2022


1. 海洋芽孢杆菌SH-B74防控链格孢病原菌的生物活性分子挖掘及生物学功能研究 (2019年立项、本科生校级项目)

2. 贝莱斯芽孢杆菌SH-B74中拮抗灰葡萄孢产物的挖掘、鉴定和生物学活性研究 (2021年立项、研究生院级项目)

3.芽孢杆菌SH-B74产生的surfactin的化学结构初探以及其对油泥中原油采收率的研究 (2023年立项、本科生校级项目)


       1. 2022年8月起担任国际期刊Frontiers in Microbiology的评审编辑 (Review Editor)

       2. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Microbial Cell Factories, Frontiers in Plant Science, Scientific Reports, PLoS One, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 3 Biotech, New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science, Australasian Plant Pathology, Genetics Research, Advancements in Life Sciences, Transactions of Tianjin University等审稿
