







电子邮箱: drzhang0327@nwnu.edu.cn








研究方向主要为低品位硫化矿/尾矿/工业固废中稀贵金属资源生物高值利用(微生物冶金)、重(类)金属污染物生态环境效应监测与生物修复等。先后参与国家自然科学基金面上“嗜酸原核微生物异化铁还原耦合的硫氧化反应机制及其与生物浸出及AMD形成的相关性研究”和“矿山酸性废水中微生物-矿物相互作用与砷、汞甲基化研究”重点项目2项。研究主要基于同步辐射显微谱学、生物化学、微生物学、矿物学及金属组学等高度交叉学科技术,开展复杂水环境中金属-微生物-矿物交互作用下多元素赋存形态转化、生物代谢响应、金属生物矿化等微观机制与表型效应。在有价金属资源生物转化利用、细胞内外及土壤/矿物表界面元素赋存形态解析等方面具备厚实的研究经验和技术条件。近5年来,共发表论文20余篇,其中以一作/通讯作者在《Water Research》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》等中科院1TOP期刊发表论文10余篇。受邀担任《Bioresource Technology》、《Fuel》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等期刊审稿人;Resources and Environmental Science期刊编委;授权专利3项。中国生物化学与分子生物学会会员,中国有色金属学会会员。


一、论文(* 通讯作者)

1. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Eva Pakostova. Novel adsorbent synthesized from red mud and acid mine drainage for enhanced contaminant removal: industrial waste transformation, adsorbent performance and metal(loid) removal mechanisms[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 465 (2023) 142867. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 16.744)

2. Hong-rui Chen, Duo-rui Zhang*, Qian Li*, Zhen-yuan Nie, Eva Pakostova. Release and fate of As mobilized via bio-oxidation of arsenopyrite in acid mine drainage: Importance of As/Fe/S speciation and As (III) immobilization[J]. Water Research. 223 (2022) 118957. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 13.4)

3. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Rui-yong Zhang, Axel Schippers, Wen-sheng Shu, Li-xiong Qian. Red mud regulates arsenic fate at acidic pH via regulating arsenopyrite bio-oxidation and S, Fe, Al, Si speciation transformation[J]. Water Research 203 (2021) 117539. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 13.4)

4. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Xiao-juan Zhao, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Rui-yong Zhang, Wen-Sheng Shu, Eva Pakostova. Fe(II) bio-oxidation mediates red mud transformations to form Fe(III)/Al(hydr)oxide adsorbent for efficient As(V) removal under acidic conditions[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 439 (2022) 135753. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF=16.744)

5. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Zhen-yuan Nie, Jin-lan Xia, Er-ping Li, Xiao-lu Fan, Lei Zheng. Extraction of Al and rare earths (Ce, Gd, Sc, Y) from red mud by aerobic and anaerobic bi-stage bioleaching[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 401 (2020) 125914. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 16.744)

6. Hong-Rui Chen, Qian Li, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Duo-Rui Zhang*, Eva Pakostova. Two-step sequential bio-oxidation of arsenopyrite catalyzed by a mesophilic bacterium eliminates hazardous Fe(III)/As-bearing products and enhances mineral dissolution[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 462 (2023) 142259. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 16.744)

7. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Xiao-lu Fan, Hong-chang Liu, Lei Zheng, Li-juan Zhang, Hong-ying Yang. Humic acid promotes arsenopyrite bio-oxidation and arsenic immobilization[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 384 (2020) 121359. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 14.224)

8. Duo-rui Zhang, Hong-rui Chen, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Rui-yong Zhang, Eva Pakostova. Efficient dealkalization of red mud and recovery of valuable metals by a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13 (2022) 973568. (中科院二区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 6.064)

9. Hong-Rui Chen, Duo-rui Zhang, Zhen-yuan Nie, Jin-lan Xia, Qian Li, Rui-yong Zhang, He-hao Yin, Eva Pakostova. Reductive dissolution of jarosite by inorganic sulfur compounds catalyzed by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans[J]. Hydrometallurgy. 212 (2022) 105908. (JCR Q1区,IF = 4.68)

10. Duo-Rui Zhang, Jin-Lan Xia, Zhen-Yuan Nie, Hong-Rui Chen, Hong-Chang Liu, Yi-Dong Zhao, Li-Li Zhang, Wen Wen, Hong-Ying Yang. Mechanism by which ferric iron promotes the bioleaching of arsenopyrite by the moderate thermophile Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2019, 81: 11-21. (JCR 2区;IF: 4.885)

11. Hong-rui Chen, Duo-rui Zhang, Xiao-juan Zhao, Qian Li, Yu-ting Liang, Eva Pakostova, Yan Zhang, Yong-bin Yang. Effects of Fe and cost-effective media composition on arsenopyrite bioleaching by Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 474 (2023) 145845. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 16.744)

12. Yu Deng, Duo-rui Zhang, Jin-Lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Hong-chang Liu, Na Wang, Zhen Xue. Enhancement of arsenopyrite bioleaching by different Fe(III) compounds through changing composition and structure of passivation layer[J] Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9 (2020) 12364-12377. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 6.4)

13. 陈红瑞,张多瑞,李骞,张雁. 草酸钙钝化砷黄铁矿生物氧化同时促进砷固定的机制[J]. 环境科学学报. 0377 (2022) 1-11.

14. Xiao-lu Fan, Jin-lan Xia, Duo-rui Zhang, Zhen-yuan Nie, Yun-peng Liu, Li-juan Zhang, Da-yi Zhang. Highly-efficient and sequential recovery of rare earth elements, alumina and silica from coal fly ash via a novel recyclable ZnO sinter method[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 437 (2022) 129308. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF = 14.224)

15. Xiao-lu Fan, Shao-qing Lv, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Duo-rui Zhang, Xuan Pan, Li-zhu Liu, Wen Wen, Lei Zheng, Yi-dong Zhao. Extraction of Al and Ce from coal fly ash by biogenic Fe3+ and H2SO4[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal. 370 (2019) 1407-1424. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF=16.744)

16. Jin-lan Xia, Hong-chang Liu, Zhen-yuan Nie, Xiao-lu Fan, Duo-rui Zhang, Xing-fu Zheng, Li-zhu Liu, Xuan Pan, Yu-hang Zhou. Taking insights into phenomics of microbe-mineral interaction in bioleaching and acid mine drainage: Concepts and methodology[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 729 (2020) 139005. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF= 10.753)

17. Hong-rui Chen, Duo-rui Zhang, Zhen-yuan Nie, Lei Zheng, Li-li Zhang, Hong-ying Yang, Jin-lan Xia. Fe, As and S speciation transformation during arsenopyrite bioleaching based on spectral analysis technology[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020, 40 (3): 934-940.

18. Zhen-yuan Nie, Wei-wei Zhang, Hong-chang Liu, Hong-rui Zhu, Duo-rui Zhang, Wei Zhu, Chen-yan Ma, Jin-lan Xia. Bioleaching of chalcopyrite with different crystal phases by Acidianus manzaensis[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019, 29(3), 617-624. (中科院一区TOPJCR Q1区,IF= 4.5)

19. Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Huai-dan Zhang, Duo-rui Zhang, Xuan Pan, Yi-dong Zhao, Wen Wen, Li-juan Zhang. Phenomics study of microbe-mineral interaction in bioleaching and acidic mine drainage: exemplified from Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans (arseno)pyrite interaction, International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan. EG007

20. Hong-chang Liu, Duo-rui Zhang, Jin-lan Xia, Zhen-yuan Nie, Peng Yuan. Chalcopyrite dissolution by Archaea Acidianus manzaensis under anaerobic condition, International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, 2019, Fukuoka, Japan. FA041

21. Zhen-yuan Nie, Wei-wei Zhang, Hong-chang Liu, Jin-lan Xia, Wei Zhu, Duo-rui Zhang, Lei Zheng, Chen-yan Ma, Yi-dong Zhao, Wen Wen. Synchrotron radiation-based study of the catalytic mechanism of Ag+ to chalcopyrite bioleaching by mesophilic and thermophilic cultures. Minerals, 2018, 8, 159.

22.  张多瑞,夏金兰,聂珍媛,刘李柱,杨洪英. 微生物胞外电子传递过程及其应用研究进展. 生命科学,201830(6): 680-688.


1. 一种低酸耗微生物高效浸出高镁型低品位硫化铜镍矿中镍铜的方法。专利号,202311370911.9

2. 一种利用嗜酸微生物铁硫氧化促进赤泥中有价金属浸出的方法。专利号:ZL202111548446.4

3. 一种基于还原焙烧-酸浸粉煤灰资源化的方法。专利号:ZL202010969554.8


1. 24届国际生物湿法冶金大会(24th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS) in Perth  Australia(2022/11/20-23)oral presentation in Section 3, Biomining of wastes, industrial ecology and circular economy.

2. 第十届全国湿法冶金工程技术交流会(长沙,2022/08/18-20),本人分会场报告(硫化矿生物浸出耦合固废资源化及其在矿山环境治理中的应用探究)

3. 第十一届全国环境化学大会(2022/7/25-29),本人分会场报告(嗜酸微生物铁硫转化驱动硫化矿与赤泥转化及其协同下的砷/锑归趋调控机制)

4. -德国际合作项目“嗜酸原核微生物异化铁还原耦合的硫氧化反应机制及其与生物浸出及AMD形成的相关性”研讨会(2020/09/29),主题报告(Arsenic speciation transformation and the extraction of valuable metals from red mud driven by iron/sulfur redox mediated by humic acid and microorganisms

5. 北京同步辐射装置2023年用户学术年会暨专家会(2023/8/23-25),本人分会场报告(微生物-矿物作用过程界面物质结构演替及其与重(类)金属赋存状态的关联性)

6. 第九届上海光源用户学术年会(银川,2019/08/21-24),本人分会场报告(微生物介导下铁硫氧化驱动的砷///硅形态转化及效应)

7. 第八届上海光源用户学术年会(西安,2018/08/28-31),本人分会场报告(Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans 生物浸出载金砷黄铁矿机制的研究)

8. 第九届地质微生物学研讨会(安徽 合肥 2021/7/2-4)等……


1. 甘肃省绿洲资源环境与可持续发展重点实验室开放课题资助项目(河西走廊矿区重金属污染的微生物矿化修复研究,GORS202304),主持,在研

2. 生命科学学院中青年学术骨干扶持培育项目,主持,在研

3. 北京同步辐射装置(BSRF)中能与软X射线实验站研究课题(2023-BEPC-PT-0087852023-BEPC-PT-008836),主持,在研

4. 上海光源(SSRF)软X射线谱学显微实验站研究课题(2023-SSRF-PT-503805),主持,在研

5. 上海光源(SSRF)软X射线谱学显微实验站研究课题(2023-SSRF-HZ-503512),合作,在研

6. 上海光源(SSRF)硬X射线微聚焦及应用实验站研究课题(2023-SSRF-PT-504115),主持,在研

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:嗜酸原核微生物异化铁还原耦合的硫氧化反应机制及其与生物浸出及AMD形成的相关性研究,参与,结题














中南大学优秀研究生, 2020/2021/2022(三次);


